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2023 Mother's Day Celebration Banquet - 5/13/2023 @5pm


Updated: Mar 21, 2023



時間: Saturday 5/13, 5:00-9:00 pm

地點: Sea Empress Seafood Restaurant 1636 W Redondo Beach Blvd

Gardena, CA 90247

服裝:50s and 60’s Fashion

餐費:南湾华人協會會員$70; 非會員$90

請Zelle 給, 同時註明每位賓客的姓名,入場時便利於核對身分。

Dear SBCA friends,

As the weather warms up, it is time to plan a Mother’s Day celebration with our wonderful friends and family. This year we will hold a special celebration banquet at the Sea Empress Seafood Restaurant in Gardena. For the evening, we invite you to dress up in the stylish 50’s and 60’s fashion and turn yourself into one of your favorite icons.

Accompanied by the oldies but goodies songs perform by our special guest singer, we will enjoy an evening of Elvis and Beatles tunes. We also have a world class musician playing the Chinese YangQin instrument. The lovely and talented SBCA line dance group will also have an eye-catching performance. Finally, to top it off there will be plenty of wonderful prizes for drawing and unique offerings for auctions.

Please bring your friends and family to spend a very special evening dedicated to all the amazing moms!

Time: Saturday 5/13 5:00-9:00 p.m. Place: Sea Empress Seafood Restaurant

1636 W Redondo Beach Blvd Gardena, CA 90247

Dress Code: 50’s and 60’s Fashion

Tickets: $70 for SBCA member and $90 for nonmember, please Zelle to and indicate the full name of each guest



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